Monday, July 23, 2012

Insanity Challenge

Embarking into deeper waters as I uncover my true potential

Today I started a new challenge. This time it's not related to my hair. I am endeavoring to complete 60 days of Insanity with Shaun T! Yes, I am doing the challenge. I have my day one pic and I suffered through my fit test in 91 degree humidity but I did it dang it!

I have been using the excessive heat as a reason to NOT workout but honestly I felt a tad bit convicted when I say people in less better shape than I am outside jogging. Granted they appeared close to death and I had to offer a prayer up for them as I drove by in my ACd car but I got to thinking. If my body is the temple than why don't I really invest in it like  treasure? So, Friday I worked out, Saturday I worked out. Sunday I rested and today I took the fit test. I was drenched by the time I finished and ten minutes later I was still dripping sweat.

My reflection:
My numbers weren't the best they could have been because I was working against humidity and soreness from a previous workout. Nevertheless it is a starting point and from here everything has to improve. I do have some obstacles in my home, the ceiling fan and lack of space for an alternative room. Otherwise, no real excuse not to continue.

My advice to someone taking the challenge after reading this:
  1. Make sure you are plenty hydrated..
  2. Know  the caloric intake required for YOU by beachbody to do Insanity everyday.
  3. Increase your protein and carbs despite the diet your need fuel!
  4. Invest in the best cross trainer shoes you can afford. The one's I have are pictured to the right. They are snug for a secure fit and are breathable.
  5. Get an accountability buddy or join
  6. Join beachbody (free membership) and hook up with a coach. They have been where you are and can ask questions.
  7. Do take your before pic if you want that Insanity Shirt!
  8. Work at your own pace and keep in mind form over rep speed.

Fit Test 1
switch kicks

power jacks
power knees
power jumps
globe jumps
suicide jumps
push up jacks
low blank oblique

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Diminishing Detangling Session TIme

Why does it take one person hours to detangle while some can detangle in less than 30 minutes?
There are a few things that factor into this:

1. Hair products being used. Sulfates, silicones, alchol, parabens, all affect the condition of your hairs moisture and texture. Eliminating this from your hair regimen will allow you hair to be free to be itself.... Warning initial removal of these products from your routine will cause your hair to go into withdrawl (showing symptoms like an addicts). But after a week or so you will see healthier hair than you could have imagined.

2. How often are you shampooing? In many cultures (except Caucasion) shampooing is done weekly, biweekly or (ew) monthly. This means shed hair has the opportunity accumalate and wrap in the hair causing a tangled often matted mess. Detangling that's done once a week reduces this but removing shed hair really should happen twice a week to keep maintance simpler. Removing hair can be done with light finger detangling sessions during the moisturize part of your night routine.

3. How are you wearing you hair? Wash and go's twist outs and braid outs (hence outs) encourages hair to mingle. If you wear it out in the day try to braid it, twist it or pinapple at night. Satin or silk bonnet or pillowcases are a requirement not an option for curly hair! Yes, I used an exclamation point.

4. What conditioner are using? Is it a leave in? Conditioners must have slip (the ability to allow hair and hands to glide) for easier detangling sessions. A good conditioner is thick, water based, has natural oils and does not leave build up. Whole Foods makes a great conditioner for less than 5.00 I like the Citrus one.

5. How often do you moisturize? Beacause moisture is lost daily hair must be moisturized daily. Spritzing with water and drinking 2 liters of water a day are beneficial to reducing dry uncooperative hair. When applying moisturizers make sure you apply from root (as close to scalp as you can get) and distribute down to the end. This same method should be used when applying conditioners

While ther are many other tips I could have added to the list these are the top 5. What other tips do you think should be added to maybe make this a top ten list?