Sunday, December 27, 2015

Beneful not Beneficial 

Recently, I received a coupon for Beneful Dog food. It was on sale at the local grocery store so I was able to pick up a huge bag for almost 7.00. A week or so after using the dog food, I noticed my dog was often throwing up. We thought it may be because he was eating too much to fast. We reduced the amount and cut in more wet dog food. About a week later we noticed open lesions on our dog's body. We decided to eliminate the dog food the day of Christmas. The next day, I was faced with the challenge of making the dog food. I researched "dog food recipes" on and Pinterest. Surprisingly, I had the basic ingredients in stock. Most called for a base of either brown rice or potatoes, a protein, and a vegetable.  I decided to make the following recipe:

  1. The remaining meat from one rotisserie chicken (about a pound) with gizzards.
  2. 1.5 Cups of Brown Rice
  3. 1/4 Cup of frozen spinach
  4. 1 small sweet potato (cooked) and quartered
  5. 1 Cup of water
I cooked the rice according to the instructions. In another pot, I separated the chicken from the carcass and the skin then simmered it in a cup of water with the spinach and sweet potato to let flavors combine (ten minutes). I allowed everything to cool. Once the chicken meat cooled ( I had to keep my teenager out of the pot) I poured it into my Ninja and hit blend to semi-liquefy ingredients. I did this because my dog doesn't really chew food, and it allows me to see if any bones may have snuck in the pot. (I found two and removed them.) I then combined the meat veggie mix with the cooked rice. This made a little less than 2 quarts. I froze half and refrigerated half. I served my dog a cup of his new food, and he followed me around the house for about thirty minutes expressing his love. He then took a nap for another 30 minutes. 

I did some research and learned that other pet owners have expressed their concern over Beneful as well, there is even a class action lawsuit due to the suspected related deaths and illnesses. You can read that here.  

Do you have a good dog recipe you use? What has been your experience with DIY dog food?