Friday, June 24, 2011

The To Do List of Natural Hair Care

Growing out healthy natural hair; this is what I have learned so far:

1.      Do drink plenty of water every day (at least 4 cups).
2.      Do eat your veggies (cabbage, tomatoes, spinach and mushroom) each have one or more of the following vitamins E, K, C, B2, B6 and A, which all contribute to hair growth and strength. Also, both zinc and calcium are essential to your daily healthy hair diet. If you cannot eat all of these take a multivitamin supplement.
3.      Do invest in an organic shampoo and leave in conditioner.
4.      Do get regular trims.
5.      Do use heat in modesty.
6.      Do use a moisturizer every night before putting on your satin bonnet.
7.      Do detangle hair while wet with a good brush such as Evolve Dual Brush and a moisture- rich detangling conditioner.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Two Strand Twist Out Using Jamaican Mango & Lime Lock Gel

It has been raining so much here that I have been battling humidity for almost two months. I have decided to go back to my two strand twists (protective style) in order to save both time in the morning and maintain definition longer. I'm entering year two of my grow out challenge. This is what I am doing differently this time around. When I two strand twist I use a shea whipped body butter underneath Jamaican Mango & Lime Lock gel. This defines my hair and moistures at the same time. For my scalp and maintaining of ends I am currently using Carol's Daughter Macademia Heat protectant oil in the morning and the whipped shea body butter at night. So far so good! This picture was taken on day three of my twist out.

At night I sleep with a satin bonnet on that's wrapped in a knit fabric. I wrap the satin bonnet because it tends to slide off at night. The scarf holds it in place. In the morning I let the humidity from the shower revive my curls and I fingertoss the routes backwards (holding my head upside down). Sometimes I use Shea Moisture's hold & Shine Mist from their Coconut Hisbiscus line.